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Trust Wallet Working With MoonPay and Ramp for Off-Ramp Integration

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    Trust Wallet, a non-custodial crypto wallet with over 60 million users, is working with crypto payments services MoonPay and Ramp Network to allow users to convert their crypto into fiat currencies within its app, enabling a smoother off-ramp experience.

    The aim is to allow users to move in and out of crypto solely through their self-custody wallet having full ownership of their assets, without relying on a centralized exchange, according to a press release.

    Trust Wallet said it will offer discounts to users who have above 100 trust wallet tokens (TWT), in an attempt to reduce off-ramp fees. At the time of writing, TWT was trading at $1.19.

    “Before our partnership, Trust Wallet users had to choose between the risk of simple, centralized custodial solutions, and the more demanding journeys of more secure, non-custodial solutions,” said Said Szymon Sypniewicz, chief executive officer at Ramp.

    Edited by Parikshit Mishra.


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    Author: James Dillon

    Last Updated: 1704267603

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    Name: James Dillon

    Birthday: 1986-08-03

    Address: USCGC Mckenzie, FPO AA 28518

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    Job: Museum Curator

    Hobby: Tennis, Playing Piano, Mountain Climbing, Kite Flying, Cocktail Mixing, Archery, Chess

    Introduction: My name is James Dillon, I am a Precious, cherished, resolved, multicolored, dear, spirited, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.